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==Ustaz Dr Naziruddin Muhammad Nasir==
Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir is serving as the present Grand Mufti of Singapore. Made important improvements in supporting the Grand Mufti to develop Islamic policies in Singapore as the deputy Mufti, he supported the Grand Mufti in providing guidance for the Muslim's religious developments.
He secured an M.A. in comparative law from SOAS University of London, an M.St. in religion at Oxford, and a D.Phil. from St. Cross College, Oxford. His dissertation explored the geneology of the conception of Abrahamic doctrines and religions, especially in the efforts of the French Islamicist Louis Massignon. He secured his early qualification from Al Azhar Cairo in Islamic law.
Halimah Jacob also thanked Dr Fatris for his noble devotion and leadership to the Muslim society. She pointed out that Dr Fatris increased the ecosystem of responsibility for the people’s socio-religious demands and upheld the progress and promoting of their Islamic scholars and instructors. She further added that she is glad that Dr Fatris will proceed support to relevant boards and guide younger Islamic leaders."
Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir is serving as the present Grand Mufti of Singapore. Made important improvements in supporting the Grand Mufti to develop Islamic policies in Singapore as the deputy Mufti, he supported the Grand Mufti in providing guidance for the Muslim's religious developments.
On his appointment, Dr Nazirudin said, he is humbled to assume this duty, and promise to better improve the admirable work of his forebears. He felt himself blessed to have improved from the leadership of Dr Fatris for over 10 years. He further added that he will work with a determined team in the office of the Grand Mufti to serve the Singaporean Muslim society to achieve better development. Ustaz Muhammad Murat Muhammadd Aris and Ustaz Dr Muhammad Hannan Hassan is supporting Dr Nasiruddin as the deputy Muftis. Ustaz Murat is overseeing Islamic policies and his colleague Ustaz Dr Hannan overseeing asatizah development and madarsah curriculum.